
Destination Tweed is a unique project which aims to celebrate and share the nature, history and stories of this unique waterway and deliver significant economic, environmental, educational and social benefits to the South of Scotland and North Northumberland.

A major multi-year partnership led investment, Destination Tweed will deliver the River Tweed Trail, a spectacular new source to sea walking and cycling route starting at Moffat before climbing to the source of the river, and on to Berwick Upon Tweed where the river meets the sea. As part of this development, a further 12 projects covering a wide range of cultural, river and landscape enhancements, will connect communities and attractions along the route and create opportunities to celebrate, care for, enjoy and promote the river sustainably.

The project includes an extensive and innovative interpretation scheme and natural heritage conservation projects to tackle environmental issues at source such as woodland and pollinator habitat creation, river restoration and control of invasive non-native species. Ambitious education and community projects and a varied and exciting programme of events, volunteer activities, and business development opportunities are also planned.

Explore our site to discover more about our Destination Tweed projects and find opportunities to get involved throughout the Tweed catchment.

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