Biggar Water

The Biggar Water Restoration project is working to develop and deliver riparian enhancements along stretches of the Biggar Burn to enhance the landscape and biodiversity of the area.

Biggar Water, known as the Biggar burn until it leaves the town, is a river which meanders through Lanarkshire and Peebleshire forming part of the River Tweed system near Drumelzier. The Biggar Water is currently classified less than good ecological potential due to a legacy of engineered embankments, channelisation and bank profiling and the loss of riparian habitats.

Biggar Water is led by Tweed Forum.

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Biggar Water
A legacy of engineered changes to the watercourse has increased flood risk and loss of habitats. Pictured Burnbraes Park flooding. Credit: Tweed Forum.

Visit the Tweed Forum website for more information on this project.