Works are now complete on the path section between the Gytes and Priorsford bridge in Peebles. The path is now open for use.
Minor ongoing works will include development of signage and the installation of benches along the track so users can pause and take in the scenery along the Tweed.
Our next event will be an open public information session to meet the project team launching a consultation on the wider Active Travel proposal to discuss the designs for the section between Fotheringham Footbridge and Priorsford Bridge.
The session is to be held at the Go Tweed Valley building on Peebles High Street, Thursday 6 March 2025 between 2:00pm and 7:00pm.
For those unable to attend the consultation event in person, an online survey will also go live on Citizen Space on 6 March, which will be open for 2 weeks, to allow everyone to view the plans and have their say.
The route will start in Moffat, a historic spa, dark skies and eagle town in Southern Scotland about 7 miles away from the source of the River Tweed. From here, visitors will have the option to explore the town before heading out into the surrounding Lowther Hills where the River Tweed, Clyde and Annan all rise!
Following the course of the River Tweed, the path will invite users to spend time exploring and sampling the best cuisine, accommodation, attractions and activities the local area has to offer.
A dedicated website will provide information on activities, attractions and facilities along the route, alongside an interactive map and journey planner, allowing you to tailor your visit around your time and interests.
The route will feature stops at some of the most well-known towns and villages in the Borderlands such as Peebles, Melrose and Kelso, as well as encouraging individuals to explore other local gems including Innerleithen, Dryburgh, St Boswells and Norham. Along the route you will pass close to the fantastic attractions of Dawyck Botanic Gardens, Glentress Trail Centre, Sir Walter Scotts former home of Abbotsford, many incredible Abbeys and the grounds of Paxton House to name just a few.
Signage, interpretation and digital experiences will enhance the journey and animate local tales, providing a unique view of the river, its communities and local businesses which it attracts and supports.
The iconic lighthouse on Berwick-upon-Tweed’s Pier, marks the end point where the river meets the North Sea. Here you can celebrate your fantastic river and trail journey.
The River Tweed Trail is being designed to welcome everyone, including walkers, cyclists, horse riders, and those using wheelchairs or mobility aids where possible.
Under the Land Reform Act 2003, paths in Scotland are open to non-motorised vehicle and equestrian use, where suitable, provided people act responsibly and follow the guidance in the Scottish Outdoor Access Code. Much of the trail in England utilises designated footpaths and not bridleways therefore, bikes and horses will be restricted to the existing NCN1 route on the road.
While most of the trail is accessible to all, certain sections will be designated as pedestrian-only where the path cannot sustainably support shared non-vehicular use . For cyclists, a separate route, partly on quiet roads, will be signed where necessary.
Detailed accessibility information will be provided when the River Tweed Trail is complete to ensure that all users can plan an excellent trail experience.
If you would like to receive notifications about the development and launch of the River Tweed Trail, click the link below to sign up to our dedicated mailing list.
Working in partnership with Scottish Borders Council, Northumberland County Council, and Dumfries and Galloway, the River Tweed Trail will connect communities, attractions and projects along the length of the river, across borders and centuries of history.
Recently, sections of new path and lighting upgrades have been created in Peebles, linking the existing Tweed Valley Railway Path with the River Tweed. Now, people will be able to travel from Glentress to Peebles safely through the Eshiels Tunnel and Peebles Hydro Grounds before utilising the new controlled crossing point over the busy A72 and into Whitestone Park.
The surrounding landscape has been seeded with help from the Pollinators Along the Tweed Project, led by Buglife and supported by Destination Tweed. This will further enhance this section of the route and provide vital habitats for pollinators as well as beautiful green space for the local area.
We are delighted that this will now function as a safe route to school for pupils and an improved all ability option for locals and visitors alike!
A new section of path from Priorsford Bridge to Gytes Leisure Centre has now been completed. Minor ongoing works will include development of signage and the installation of benches along the track so users can pause and take in the scenery along the Tweed.
This new active travel shared-use path will form part of the River Tweed Trail, launching in 2028, which will connect communities, businesses and attractions along the river from Moffat to Berwick-upon-Tweed.
Below are examples of our recent work. Slide to see before and after!
Woodend Bridge at Cardrona has been redecked using sustainable Douglas Fir boards.
New lighting has been installed at the Eshiels Tunnel and a brighter anti-skid surface added.
The creation of the River Tweed Trail provides an opportunity to boost the visitor economy in the region.
We are delighted to be working in partnership with The South of Scotland Destination Alliance (SSDA) who will undertake the role of tourism business engagement along the route, working with Northumberland.
Our Tourism Business Engagement Officer, Neen Kelly, will work with businesses and communities to ensure opportunities along the route are maximised. We also want to work with those who are interested in developing new visitor experiences and services such as transport and baggage services, food and drink experiences, storytelling, wellness, wildlife and activities.
For more information, please email