Training the future generation of river guardians is an important part of the Destination Tweed project, sharing our passion for and knowledge of the river environment to educate on how to care for and enjoy the river responsibly.

The TweedWATCH education programme, delivered by Tweed Forum’s Education and Outreach Officer Jenny Holmes, has been working with schools to develop workshops that improve young people’s knowledge of and connection to the River Tweed. These workshops provide opportunities for young people to learn about the river’s special qualities, explore nature’s many health and wellbeing boosting benefits and support schools in giving back to nature, taking positive action against climate change.

TweedWATCH is led by Tweed Forum.

  • Tweed Forum logo
Pictured at Old Melrose Estate on the River Tweed, Jenny taking a group of P1-P3 children from Liliesleaf Primary on a woodland walk down to the River Tweed. Credit: Phil Wilkinson.

Get in Touch

Would your school like to book in for a session or would you like to find out more about the TweedWATCH education programme and resources for teachers?

Contact Jenny via the form opposite or email directly