Uncovering the Tweed

The River Tweed has witnessed centuries of human history. From prehistoric settlements to Roman occupation, battle sites and medieval castles, its banks hold stories waiting to be told.

Uncovering the Tweed is delivering a community-based archaeology programme to investigate important sites of activity along the river and in the surrounding area.

Uncovering the Tweed is led by Tweed Forum and AOC Archaeology Group.

  • Tweed Forum logo
  • AOC Archaeology Group logo
Uncovering the Tweed
Uncovering the Tweed will include opportunities to get involved in geophysics, excavation, artefact analysis, and historic building recording. Credit: AOC Archaeology Group.

Other Thematic Projects

Several other thematic projects will explore a wide range of sites and periods across the study area, including:

  • Crossing the Tweed: Roads, Routes, Bridges, and Fords – Investigating historical crossings.
  • Towers of the Tweed – Exploring medieval tower houses and their significance.
  • Carved in Stone – Studying stone carvings from all periods.
  • Deserted Medieval Villages – Uncovering the remains of abandoned villages.
  • Prehistoric Lives – Delving into the prehistoric era along the Tweed.
  • Landscape of the Tweed – Understanding the broader historical landscape.
  • Industrial Tweed – Examining the region’s industrial heritage.

These projects will incorporate various elements, from desk-based research and online mapping to field visits, surveys, and 3D modeling. Techniques will include geophysics, excavation, artefact analysis, and historic building recording.

Sign up to the project mailing list by emailing getinvolved@aocarchaeology.com or by filling in the contact form below.

Get in Touch

If you would like to get in touch with the team from AOC Archaeology Group about Uncovering the Tweed, please use the form below and someone will get back to you.

Alternatively, to be kept up-to-date via email with project news and opportunities for participation, just leave ‘message’ blank and check the sign-up box.