
Online Uncovering the Tweed Workshop

Join AOC Archaeology Group for this remote workshop to introduce you to LiDAR and how we can use this technology to identify and investigate archaeology in the landscape. LiDAR (‘Light Detection and Ranging’) has revolutionised field survey of archaeological sites and monuments. The technique involves using high-resolution laser scanning from aircraft to map terrain, and […]

Short Talk for Kelso Heritage Society

Katie O’Connell and Graeme Cavers of AOC Archaeology Group will say a few words about the proposed research design for Uncovering the Tweed and upcoming opportunities for participation. We’d be delighted to hear your thoughts on our plans and any suggestions you may have for sites or research themes that we might investigate through Uncovering […]

Kingsway Rake and Plant

Join Buglife Conservation Officer, Kate O’Leary, to enhance the wildflower meadow at Kingsway, Peebles on Saturday 28th September from 10am – 3pm. This event will feature a full day of meadow enhancements including the raking off of meadow cuttings, planting of native wildflower plug plants and raking in of wildflower seed. Volunteers can also learn […]

Hedge Laying at Corehead

Join BFT staff to help lay the orchard hedge at Corehead, and learn an important and demanding rural skill from expert tutor Graeme Walker, professionally accredited by the National Hedge Laying Society. The day will run 10am – 3pm, and include a short introduction to hedge laying and tools, followed by preparing, pleaching, laying and […]

Excavations at Adie’s Brae (First Week)

Join us for the first fieldwork opportunity of Uncovering the Tweed! AOC will lead a programme of excavation and survey at Adie’s Brae, a scooped settlement at Ericstane, near Moffat, in partnership with Borders Forest Trust on 2nd-6th and 9th-13th October. This is an opportunity to get hands-on experience and training from professional archaeologists in […]

Talk at Crookham Village Hall

Join Graeme Cavers and Katie O’Connell from AOC Archaeology Group as they present their proposed project design for Uncovering the Tweed, and share your own ideas for inclusion within project activities. This event is delivered in partnership with Till Valley Archaeological Society, but is open to all.