Community Grants

The Destination Tweed Community Grants Scheme was launched to support projects based within 2 km of the River Tweed (or within 2 km of links to Biggar and Moffat) which have a connection to the River Tweed and its Nature, History and Stories.

If you are planning a community project that aligns with our specified grant outcomes as set out below, we’d love to hear from you! We recommend that you get in touch to discuss your project with us before applying; please email us at

Community Grants is led by Tweed Forum.

  • Tweed Forum logo
Community Grants
Eildon Hills from Scott's View. Credit: South of Scotland Destination Alliance/ Duncan Ireland.

What is the aim of the Community Grants Scheme?

The aim of the Community Grants Scheme is to support local groups and organisations in delivering projects that make the Tweed catchment a great place to live, work and visit.

Grants are available to projects with a connection to the River Tweed and its Nature, History and Stories. These are the themes of the Destination Tweed Community Grants Scheme.

You must demonstrate that receiving funding from the Community Grants Scheme will deliver activities that support at least one of our grant outcomes below, while aligning with at least one of our themes of Nature, History and Stories. Projects are not expected to meet all outcomes, and applications for projects with a strong, clear focus on one or two outcomes are more likely to be assessed favourably than projects that meet all four outcomes only loosely.

Our minimum grant amount is £1,000, and our maximum is £10,000. Our grant should represent at least 10% of your project costs.

You can potentially apply more than once, with no less than 12 months between applications, however this is dependent on available funds and therefore should not be relied upon.

Any previous projects funded by this Community Grants Scheme must be completed before you apply again.

It is anticipated that deadlines will fall approximately every four months over a two-year period.

The next deadline is 5pm on Wednesday 9th October 2024. Proposed future deadlines are 5pm on Wednesday 12th February 2025 with further submission dates to be announced in due course for the remainder of 2025 (these will be dependent on available budget and demand).

Please contact for guidance and advice on the application process. We advise you to discuss your project with the Destination Tweed team in advance of applying, to ensure that your project is eligible.

Please download the application form below. You will also find guidance notes, examples of the kind of projects and activities that we are keen to support and a map showing eligible geographic areas.

Application paperwork

Community Grants Scheme Application Form

Community Grants Scheme Application Guidance Notes

DT Community Grants Scheme Project Examples Exclusions

We recommend that you get in touch to discuss your project with us before applying; please email us at


Map showing eligible areas
Map showing eligible areas